Sometimes it comes earlier and other times later, for all kinds of reasons, but many women end up at a point in their lives when they consider the possibility of becoming pregnant. This, as you can imagine, brings with it a whole barrage of questions, doubts and concerns about the pregnancy process and everything it implies for the future mother. And it is certainly worth taking into account a series of basic aspects before taking the step of seeking pregnancy.

For the pregnancy to go as smoothly as possible, gynecologist Jordi Suñol proposes a series of factors that must be paid attention to before, during and after pregnancy. These have to do with essential aspects, such as the diet and nutrients that the mother receives. But also with others such as mental well-being and the role of the family and the environment.

At the moment when you are seriously considering pregnancy, this is everything that gynecologist Jordi Suñol recommends you know so that the pregnancy evolves in the healthiest way.