As candles are added to the birthday cake, the body experiences a greater number of changes both in terms of its anatomy and physiology. Aging affects structures, such as bones, internal organs and muscles, this is known as anatomy. On the other hand, physiology has to do with the functions of the organism, that is, digestion, reproduction or respiration. And all of this is considerably influenced by this natural process.

Becoming aware of this will be essential from a medical point of view, as well as to be able to prevent the consequences of aging, carrying out a series of modifications and adaptations in habits. This will help the body stay healthy and in the best possible condition.

Aging causes changes of all kinds, some of which begin to be perceived earlier being those related to sensory systems. This is because visual acuity is reduced, especially at a distance, due to reduced transparency and increased thickness of the lens. Hearing is also affected, since the acuity for high tones is lower, so the identification of words during conversations is hindered. Taste and smell also decline, it is more difficult to distinguish flavors and smells.

As for the skin, dryness and sagging increase, since collagen production is decreased and subcutaneous fat is lost. Wrinkles and spots also appear. The muscles lose their mass and their fibers atrophy, so their strength is reduced. The bones will become more porous and less dense, making them more brittle. Something that also has to do with their demineralization.

Other changes have to do with the cardiovascular, renal, central nervous and muscular systems, as well as the body’s metabolism, as studies indicate in this regard. As for the cardiovascular system, the blood vessels narrow and lose elasticity, making the passage of blood difficult and the supply of oxygenated blood reduced.

Because the intercostal muscles lose strength and the lung tissue deteriorates, the performance of the lungs declines and causes the percentage of oxygen in the blood to reduce.

The digestive system is also considerably altered, since teeth are lost, which makes chewing difficult, the effectiveness of digestion is reduced, esophageal movements are hindered, nutrients are absorbed less well and there is a tendency to constipation, due to of decreased muscle tone of the intestine. It also worsens kidney function and bladder capacity. And incontinence arises.