The Posidonia Fest leaves Port de Mataró (Maresme) for the first time this year, where it will maintain its nerve center and concerts with the most renowned artists will continue to be programmed. However, the organization is committed to integrating the festival into the city, and concerts will be included in the Nau Gaudí and in the Plaza de Santa Maria, in the city center. 

The festival also grows in dates and goes from three to four days. It is celebrated from August 29 to 31, establishing itself as the last great cultural event of the summer in the city. As for the poster, the main attractions this year are the leader of Els Pets, Lluís Gavaldà, who arrives in the capital of Maresme accompanied by the band’s musician Joan-Pau Chaves, and the Maresmeca singer-songwriter Judit Neddermann.

Gavaldà and Chaves will be in the Port of Mataró on the night of Friday, August 30, during the first day in the port area. The duo will review in acoustic format the most beloved songs from their repertoire to close a day that will open at seven o’clock in the afternoon Carola Ortiz and the multi-instrumentalist Àlex Guitart.

On Saturday it will be the turn of Maio, who will present her second album ‘Suau’ in acoustic format, and Judit Neddermann from Mares, who will bring her latest proposal ‘LAR’ to the Port, a work that draws on Iberian folklore and Brazilian music, styles that have always been part of the artist’s career.

As for the two days that will be held outside the port area, they will be on August 28 and 29. The Nau Gaudí will witness on Wednesday the symbiosis between the trumpeter and jazz singer Alba Careta and the singer-songwriter and producer Henrio, while in the Plaza Santa Maria the festival will offer on Thursday the free concert of Guillem Roma and his ‘Postureo real’ .

According to the organization, with this departure from the festival that is its “home”, in the port of Mataró, the aim is to promote the search for new audiences, with the connection with the city center, often distanced from the port ecosystem. In any case, the Posidonia Fest seeks sustained growth, without forgetting its successful format.

One of the co-directors of the festival, Carles Moreno, explains that the concerts will continue to be medium format, with 400 people seated, very close to the stage, and that the programming will continue to combine established names with emerging proposals: “We want to reach more people, within of the ‘Posidonia format’”.