Dogs are one of the most adored domestic animals by Internet users. Every week, hundreds of furry videos go viral on the Internet, showing their antics and incredible occurrences.

This is the case of a Labrador who has surprised his owners with his favorite prank: removing the stuffing from the cushions and mattresses on the porch.

The video has been published on Instagram by @labrador_daily_lover, an account dedicated to the content of this breed of dog. “Oh my God,” he says in the header that accompanies the funny clip.

Its owner looked out the window when she could see the dog lying on the porch, a fairly common scene if it weren’t for the pieces of stuffing that surround the animal. His face says it all.

This prank has thousands of views on social networks, where users have reacted: “It’s not the dog’s fault if there is a spontaneous explosion… you should be grateful that he survived ????????” or “He had too much fun” are some of the reactions More popular.