The fastest, most comfortable and easiest way to find out if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test that you can buy at the pharmacy. These tests detect the hormone beta-hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). But for it to be reliable, it must be done from 15 days after conception. By then, you may have noticed other symptoms that are giving you clues that you are indeed pregnant. Here are some of them:
If you have a regular menstrual cycle, missing it would be the most obvious sign of pregnancy, although missing it may be due to other reasons, such as stress. There is also that if you are pregnant there may be bleeding called implantation bleeding, which is produced by the nesting of the fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus. This bleeding coincides with the expected date of menstruation.
Some women immediately perceive how their breasts increase in size, swell and notice greater sensitivity in them. This is because the hormones are stimulating the mammary glands to prepare them for breastfeeding. You may notice changes in the nipples as well as in the areola, becoming darker due to increased blood flow in the area.
Like the previous one, this one is due to hormonal changes. In addition, estrogens cause greater fluid retention.
This symptom is associated with progesterone, as well as increased weakness and drowsiness. This occurs especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the body is adapting to provide the necessary energy for the proper development of the baby.
The rapid rise in the hormone beta-hCG and a heightened sense of smell can cause nausea that may also be accompanied by dizziness. Although they are often associated with morning sickness, they can occur at any time of the day.
In the first few weeks this is because the hCG hormone increases blood supply to the pelvic area and, with it, the urge to urinate. Later on, this constant desire to urinate will be due to the increase in the volume of the uterus, which will put pressure on the bladder.
Hormonal changes are intense and can cause these mood swings and go from being happy to crying for no apparent reason.
Changes in the perception of some flavors and smells may occur and the famous “cravings” appear.
Hormonal changes and increased metabolism can increase body temperature and therefore make you feel hotter than usual.
Many of these symptoms also occur in the days before menstruation and can be confused. So having any of them does not confirm a pregnancy. Likewise, the absence of them does not mean that there is no pregnancy. Some women notice changes and others don’t. The most unequivocal sign is the lack of menstruation and, before it, perform a test to confirm if there is pregnancy as well as go to the gynecologist.