Pets become another member of the family from the moment they set foot in their new home for the first time. And as the years go by, the mutual love that their owners feel for their pets, and vice versa, manages to overcome all possible limits, to the point of becoming flesh and blood.

Therefore, saying goodbye to these furry friends when their time comes is not easy. A situation that the singer India Martínez had to face this Wednesday. The artist wanted to express her pain over the loss of one of her pets through social networks.

The Andalusian published an emotional video singing and playing the guitar, while her adorable bulldogs gave each other affection. ”Those who have pets understand this pain. My Buddha, you came into our lives by surprise when we needed you most and filled us with love. Now you are leaving me much sooner than I imagined, without being able to say goodbye to you. It’s hard for me to accept that you’re no longer here,’ she began by saying.

”We are going to miss you so much in my life… but you have given us so much, that all that remains is to thank you for all the beautiful things you have taught us, for so many laughs with your gestures and your quirks, or those excessive kisses. Tanguito continues crying at night, it breaks our hearts, but he calms down when we open the door for him, and we give him kisses and hugs. Take care of it from wherever you are, and may it last a long time,’ she confessed, totally broken.

As the singer explained, the dog had died much earlier than expected. ”5 years old are too few for so much love. You will continue with us, because we will carry you in our hearts forever. We love you. See you on the other side, my darling. Go easy,’ she concluded. The publication managed to excite a large part of the singer’s community. And many of her followers confessed that they felt totally identified with the situation. In addition, the affection of both dogs was also another detail that left her followers totally surprised.

”I understand you perfectly, their little legs”, ”Cheer up my darling, I don’t even want to imagine how you are doing”, ”How I understand you, mine is also gone, and there isn’t a day that I don’t think about her, they They will always be in our hearts”, ”They are one more of the house”, were some of the comments.