Beer is the drink par excellence for social gatherings in Spain. When a group of people wants to meet up for a drink, they always say “let’s have a few beers,” which shows how deeply rooted it is in society.

There are more and more brands that want to fight for the throne of the best beer in the country. In addition, craft beers are taking more and more market shares, along with locally brewed ones.

The success of Spanish beer crosses borders. The British newspaper ‘The Sun’ has carried out a report on the best beers produced in Spain. Signed by journalist Hayley Mann, it states that “one in every five pints sold in the United Kingdom comes from Spain.”

Seven brands of Spanish origin participated in the classification, which have been tested by this journalist. And the best valued has been Cruzcampo, the brand of Sevillian origin that is most successful in Andalusia.

“When I tried a Cruzcampo in a pub in the United Kingdom, I felt like I was on a terrace in Seville,” says Mann. He also comments that its fruity flavor without hiding the malt and hops makes it “delicious.” A five out of five I give this brand.

Estrella Galicia also gets the highest possible grade, with a 5/5. The two beers that have not been so fortunate have been Mahou, with two points out of five; and Rosa Blanca, of Mallorcan origin, with the same score.