This Sunday, Argentina chooses the next tenant of the Casa Rosada. Among the candidates, there are three favorites: Sergio Massa, the Minister of Economy, who in the midst of the crisis aspires to keep the ruling party in power; Patricia Bullrich, a 67-year-old political scientist who was a minister during the Administration of conservative President Mauricio Macri; and the controversial Javier Milei, a far-right who leads the polls.

Milei advocates using a symbolic ‘chainsaw’ to thin the structure of the State, dollarize the economy, privatize public companies and eliminate bureaucratic requirements to facilitate access to weapons and organ donation. Furthermore, he denies climate change and that during the military dictatorship (1976-1983) 30,000 people disappeared.

The far-right, who became known on television shows before jumping into the political arena, is also popular for the bond he has with his four English mastiffs, whom he calls his children.

All of them are genetic copies of Conan, the first dog he had and which he keeps stuffed. The American newspaper The New York Times explains in a report published this week that cloned dogs have become an object of fascination in the Argentine presidential elections. Surprisingly, this rarity has served to boost Milei’s popularity.

This economist has made dogs a symbol of the policies of which he declares himself a follower. For this reason, he has named them after three American conservative economists: Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman and Robert Lucas.

The far-right also does not rule out regulating cloning if he reaches the Casa Rosada. In fact, he assures that he would appoint an Argentine scientist who has dedicated his career to animal cloning as head of the national scientific council.

According to the NYTimes article, to clone her dogs, Milei hired PerPETuate, an American company directed by Ron Gillespie, which is dedicated to “genetic preservation.”