In Spain there are more than 533,000 unemployed people over 55 years of age, according to data from the latest Active Population Survey (EPA). In fact, of the 2,767,860 unemployed people in our country, more than 46% are over 50 years old, and we are also leaders in unemployment among people between 55 and 59 years old. 

Finding a job is not easy for seniors, and the challenge becomes more complicated as the normal retirement age approaches. But difficult does not mean impossible, and specialists advise following some guidelines to achieve it. We review them. 

Psychologist Angélica Barrero, leader of the Corporate Clinical Department at ifeel, recommends “thinking about allowing a change within the capabilities you already have and in what situations you can put them into practice. Also, recognize the emotions and uncertainty that comes with all of this.”

Barrero suggests that, instead of focusing on “what I can do,” we think about “what I am good at” or “what I have excelled at.” Ask yourself what is important to you or remember what you wanted to be as a child, so as not to go looking for that, but to know why you wanted to be that. On the other hand, psychological therapy is an excellent point of self-knowledge, finding our talents and our values.

It is essential to place yourself in the context and the necessary skills, but with support, perseverance and confidence, and that, to change jobs at maturity, you must have realistic goals.

Rosario Sierra, Director of Corporate Business at LinkedIn, recommends that, to make this change, you must be eager to face a new challenge and maintain the path of change. “It is not always easy to decide on a career or enter a new position, so enthusiasm is essential for any worker,” she says.

Another key piece is continuous training. The LinkedIn executive says that “if before it was important to be at the forefront of your sector, today it is more important than ever. Senior talent, like those starting their careers, need to be aware of what is happening, analyze the skills they may need to perform their role or identify where they want to go to act accordingly and be prepared for the future. new role.” Searching for courses and training is essential.

If you want to change jobs in the same sector, it is advisable to also have your resume updated and include in it all the skills that have been acquired over the years. Highlighting experience and knowledge is very important. There are many initiatives, workshops, apps, tutorials and professionals that help you write your CV, but “the fundamental thing is that it does not harm you and that you have common sense,” says Elsa Novo, head of employment training projects at the Endesa Foundation. , which includes the Generación Savia senior talent program. 

“The CV has to highlight what you can offer for that position, not make one the same for all jobs, but one specific for each one.” Some tricks are “instead of listing the experience for years, do it for longer periods, highlight what has to do with the offer, that it does not exceed a page in length and try to put the keywords that appear in the characteristics of the position” . As for whether to put the age or not, Novo says there is nothing wrong with doing so. “And if they are going to rule you out for that, you better know it as soon as possible.”

Novo advises feeling confident in yourself and being active, interested, taking notes and asking questions, but also analyzing the characteristics of the position and seeking information before going to the interview.”

The suggestion is to move your professional profile on LinkedIn. “It’s perfect for senior talent,” says Sierra. “Beyond choosing their best photo, detailing their training and experience in their professional profile or writing a good description of themselves, it allows the creation of quality content. When a recruiter comes online, he wants to see what we share, the words we use, the way we approach a problem or even face a challenge.” Furthermore, he also speaks a lot about the way we interact with other members of the community: “if we do it with empathy, with a desire to learn, to contribute or with the curiosity to find valuable connections for our work.”

“The most frequent fear, in this case, is of failure, of things not going well, and of not being well. To face it, we must recognize it, feel it and not go against it,” proposes the ifeel psychologist.

“Review and recognize your achievements, ask those around you how they perceive you and what your strengths are. It is also good to do good networking, both to look for our opportunities and to meet other people who have gone through the same situation,” says Barrero.