Terrats en Cultura brings the show to the top of Barcelona once again. The festival celebrates its 11th edition with fifteen shows on ten rooftops in Barcelona and L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. From April 21 to October 6, the cycle will deliver seven concerts and eight performing arts shows in venues such as the Bellvitge Library, the Eixample School Institute or some private rooftops in the neighborhoods of Gràcia, Sant Andreu or Poblenou.

This year’s edition, according to the presidents of the festival’s creative association, Lola Armadàs and Isaias Fanlo, has a varied program of multidisciplinary and innovative proposals for all audiences.

L’Hospitalet opens the cycle with a concert by the group Alaire on April 21 at the Bellvitge Library (7:30 p.m.). The band, made up of four women, breaks with the established roles in a musical group, exchanging instruments among themselves. Her compositions fuse rumba and folk with lyrics of empowerment, denunciation and feminism.

Another of the outstanding musical shows is La Casa de la rumba, by Sabor de Gràcia, as it is the first time that Catalan rumba enters Terrats en Cultura. Sabor de Gràcia, formed by Catalan gypsies from the neighborhood of Gràcia, will offer a concert on June 9 on a rooftop in the neighborhood of La Pau, where they will pay tribute to songs referent to the genre and cover well-known songs.

Two works that will be performed on the roof of the Institut Escola Eixample stand out in the program of performing arts shows: Somni sota la finestra and Cançons that end in fade-out. On May 20, the company La Dansívora presents Somni sota la finestra, a family dance show. This tells the story of some children who prepare a performance so that her grandmother, who cannot leave the house, can see it from her window.

“Why are Alaska’s lyrics considered revolutionary, while Rocío Jurado sang about empowerment and female masturbation and yours are not?” Cançons que acaban en fade-out was born from this question, a staged concert by the Copla de Wisconsin company, which questions what is considered revolutionary culture. Through a critical reading, explains the creator Cinta Moreno, “the work analyzes the Spanish musical tradition of late Francoism, the transition and the first decades of democracy”.

The European Creative Rooftop Network, an organization of which the festival is a part, has set the thematic focus of the programming on sustainability from all its perspectives. “Under the framework of sustainability, we present a 0 and inclusive plastic festival. The shows will be held on rooftops with elevator access and some will be adapted for deaf people,” details the president.

Tickets for all the shows and the complete festival program are available on the Terrats en Cultura website.