We often associate testosterone – a hormone produced in the testicles of men and the ovaries of women – with male sexual activity, although the truth is that it is present in both men and women and also fulfills other functions. Correct levels of testosterone are not only related to good sexual performance – both with regard to erections and libido, sperm quality and, therefore, fertility – but they also improve concentration, memory and cardiovascular health, reduce fatigue, in addition to preventing anemia, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular accidents, among other benefits. Testosterone also causes an increase in the formation of proteins, especially in bones and muscles, so that muscle mass increases.

In the world of sports competition, its use for anabolic purposes is not uncommon, and it is usually administered through intramuscular injections, although it can also be supplemented by other means. “It is not uncommon to find women who undergo doping with testosterone to gain muscle mass, because although it is a hormone that is present in both men and women, it is more so in men, in fact it is known as the ‘male sex hormone.’ ‘”, explains nutritionist Encarni Pérez, from the training and nutrition consultancy FullMusculo.

In the sexual section, “testosterone levels are fundamentally related to the quality of the erection,” explains psychologist and sexologist Alberto Álamo, who recommends, however, ruling out other possible causes of organic erectile dysfunction before attributing the problem. to a testosterone deficiency. According to Álamo, low levels of testosterone can cause “difficulties in maintaining erections and in performing the sexual act, that is, they can cause problems in everything that has more to do with excitement than with desire, since that the latter is conceived in the realm of thought and fantasy.” Álamo insists, however, that before relating erectile dysfunction and testosterone “it is important to rule out other causes, such as diabetes, hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia, cholesterol or smoking. If these factors occur, there are many possibilities for having some degree of organic dysfunction.”

Diet can help improve testosterone production, which can directly influence not only sexual activity but also sperm quality, fertility, and increased muscle mass. These seven foods can increase testosterone levels:

“It is an excellent food, very nutritionally complete, which according to recent studies we can consume daily. It contains vitamin D, which has been shown to increase testosterone production,” explains Pérez. According to a study by the Medical University of Graz, in Austria, carried out with a group of men, vitamin D is directly involved in the regulation of male androgen metabolism. This means that all those who consumed more vitamin D generated a greater amount of testosterone in the blood.

This is why, in fact, libido usually increases in summer, since sun exposure is directly related to the synthesis of this vitamin. Eggs are, on the other hand, a good source of proteins of high biological value, which nourish muscle mass, so they are excellent allies for all those who practice sports.

Garlic is good for many things. It improves blood circulation and is a powerful natural antibiotic, contains antioxidants, maintains cholesterol levels and helps regulate blood pressure, among other properties. But it is also good for increasing blood testosterone levels and, among other things, improving male sexual activity.

According to a study at Kobe Women’s University in Japan, dialyl disulfide, a compound found in garlic, stimulates the release of lutenizing hormone, which causes increased testosterone production in the testicles.

“It is rich in unsaturated fats, also present in other foods such as olive oil, which have been shown to be beneficial for the production of testosterone,” explains Pérez. According to a study published in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, which examined fat consumption in a group of healthy men, those who reduced their consumption of healthy fats (i.e., monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) saw their blood testosterone concentrations decrease.

They contain vitamin E, which some studies relate to an increase in testosterone and, therefore, libido, but also selenium, “a fundamental mineral that influences testosterone levels and improves both the quantity and quality of sperm” , explains Pérez. Nuts also contain unsaturated fatty acids such as those in avocado and olive oil, which also influence the production of this hormone. Other foods that contain selenium are chestnuts, pine nuts, mushrooms, whole grains, oats or cucumber.

Vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage or broccoli help, in the words of Pérez, “to reduce excess estrogen, thus being able to increase the effectiveness of testosterone.” Broccoli is, therefore, a fundamental food for those diets that seek to gain fat-free muscle, and it is considered a “natural defender” of testosterone. It is also rich in fiber and antioxidants, low in carbohydrates, very low in calories and rich in zinc, another crucial mineral for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system.

Adding a handful of blueberries to salads, yogurt, eating them as a snack at any time or even as a dessert is a gesture that will bring great benefits. “Blueberries improve the health of our brain and the functioning of the urinary tract, in addition to helping to reduce the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the blood,” explains Pérez, who points out that when this hormone is reduced, testosterone levels are reduced. They can increase and both phenomena can lead to an improvement in sexual and sports performance.

Rich in zinc, a mineral directly related to sperm production, oysters are popularly known as the aphrodisiac food par excellence. “Zinc inhibits aromatase, responsible for transforming testosterone into estrogen,” says Pérez. The problem is that in addition to eliminating a large part of the zinc through bile, pancreatic and intestinal secretions, this mineral is also eliminated through perspiration, so that many athletes can have deficient levels.