There is less than a week left before the Selectivity exams begin in most of the autonomous communities, so these days are key for many students who -if they have organized themselves well- have already spent several days studying. Fatigue and nervousness begin to affect a good part of these young people, but diet can help alleviate its effects.

“The stress that we can experience during this time causes our body to release adrenaline and the sympathetic vegetative nervous system is activated, causing us to burn more energy and need to consume more calories to cover the deficit,” explains Dr. Guadalupe Blay, from the Society Spanish General and Family Physicians, in this report.

Therefore, skipping meals is not the best of decisions. Neither eat in an unhealthy way and make choices that are too high in calories and uninteresting due to their low nutritional value. Especially, it would be necessary to reduce the intake of foods that worsen stress and anxiety situations, such as fried foods, concludes a study from Zhejiang University, in China.

The authors of the study point out that these foods are rich in acrylamide, a substance found in starchy products that have been cooked at high temperatures and that “induces anxiety and depressive behaviors.” Refined carbohydrates, sugar, or alcohol should also be avoided so as not to trigger these responses.

In a student’s diet, on the other hand, foods rich in omega-3 cannot be missing, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, nuts or seeds, a fatty acid necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. It is also advisable not to abuse mineral complexes and “get the vitamins from fruits and vegetables,” explains Blay.

Protein is another macronutrient that cannot be lacking in the diet of young people preparing for exams. The spokesperson for the College of Dietitians-Nutritionists of Catalonia (CODINUCAT), Marta Ramos, explained in this article that protein foods contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps us produce serotonin. Ramos points out that “this hormone has an impact on greater attention span and memory,” and stresses that correct levels of serotonin can reduce stressful situations.

Some foods rich in tryptophan are eggs, lean meats, dairy products, dates and bananas, says the expert.

Despite what has been explained, it is not necessary to become obsessed with specific nutrients, but try to follow a diet that is as balanced as possible, sleep an average of 7-8 hours, exercise, reduce the intake of stimulants such as caffeine and find a quiet space, without Noises and external stimuli that make concentration difficult. Hydration is also key, but it is recommended that the drink of choice be water.

So that the mobile does not become a distraction, there are also apps that block notifications and that make it possible to use screens without being tempted to use social networks.