Sea bream: know its properties, benefits and nutritional value

With white meat and a firm texture, sea bream is one of the fish that looks the most in Christmas meals. It is during this time that its consumption and price especially increases, although it is available throughout the year. In fact, it is a typical food in Spanish cuisine, especially in the north of the country, where it is caught in greater quantities.

However, sea bream is a fish that is consumed in many countries, especially those in the European Atlantic, but also in Japan. In addition, this is a versatile product that can be prepared both grilled, baked or pickled.

Calories: 121 kcal

Proteins: 19.1 gr

Carbohydrates: 0 gr

Fats: 4.9 gr

Calcium: 107 mg

Hierro: 1,3 mg

Zinc: 0,5 mg

Potassium: 310 mg

It also contains vitamins A, B and E.

Sea bream is an almost lean fish thanks to its low fat content and lack of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is highly recommended for people who follow diets aimed at weight reduction. But beyond that, it is a food rich in nutrients.

It is a source of proteins of high biological value, necessary for the good maintenance of our body in general and the muscular system and the brain in particular.

Likewise, sea bream contains B complex vitamins, which allow the use of the rest of the nutrients, the proper functioning of the nervous system and the creation of defenses.

It also contains iron, necessary to combat anemia processes.

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