Pumpkin is a vegetable rich in fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, C, and others) and minerals such as potassium. In particular, it contains beta-carotene, an antioxidant component responsible for its orange color and of great importance for health, such as its role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and problems related to the skin or vision (preventing, for example, the appearance of cataracts). Pumpkin is usually consumed in creams or sautéed vegetables. But we can also use it to make pancakes, perfect for cooking and enjoying with the little ones, thus helping to increase the consumption of vegetables among children and young people.

From the Alícia Foundation, within the framework of one of the lines of action of the Strategic Food Plan of Catalonia (PEAC), they are working with the star ingredient of this recipe, in one of the programs aimed at pumpkin producers and processors in the sector. agri-food, to promote the improvement, innovation and development of its products and processes, with the aim of making them more competitive in the market.