Dogs are man’s best friends and feel unconditional affection, love and loyalty for their owners, although it is not enough for them to interact exclusively with people. These need to interact with other animals, otherwise they can trigger behavioral problems in the future.

For this reason, Natalia takes her dog Pedro for a walk every day, hoping that the dog will make friends along the way. However, Pedro is shyer than he seems, hiding behind his owner whenever someone approaches him.

The video published by Cabronazi, an account popular for uploading entertainment content, is titled: “I love you Pedro ??????.” In it, Pedro (@donpedroperro on Instagram) hides when a dog approaches him on the street, despite being larger.

In a matter of days, the video has gone viral, accumulating thousands of views and all kinds of reactions from users who have been surprised by its behavior.

“In his mind it’s the little guy”, “Say yes darling you can’t be seen anymore” or “My 2kg Pepi is also not aware of his size and defended his food against a Tibetan mastiff ????”, were some of the most popular comments .