Pay attention to how the cups are placed on the coffee maker when you go to a bar: this is why

An entire coffee culture is built around coffee, which conceives the moment of having a cup of this drink as a ritual to which one pays homage. Proof of this is the rise of coffee shops and specialty coffee brands, or the debates that arise on social networks about the most appropriate way to serve it. The most recent in this sense is the one that addresses the correct position of the cups on top of the coffee maker in establishments, face up or face down?

The waiter Abraham Galera Cano, known on Instagram as @abrigaca, has 256 thousand followers and shares content related to the hospitality profession on this social network. In his most recent post, he has explained how the cups should be placed on the coffee maker and why.

Logic might suggest that the most ideal thing is to place the cups upside down, to prevent dirt particles such as dust or insects from entering them. But Abraham denies this theory. “The cups have to be face up,” assures the waiter. Why, if the other option seems more hygienic? The reason lies precisely in the moment of serving and enjoying that cup of coffee.

“The explanation is purely because of the quality of the coffee,” he explains. He reports that the top of the coffee maker emits a lot of heat. Therefore, if the cups are displayed upside down, when the customer brings it to his mouth he would burn his lips on the hot edge of the cup. “The client would come out hurt from this situation,” Abraham emphasizes.

On the other hand, there is another reason that advocates placing the cups upside down. “A good coffee has to come out very hot, as you can see the coffee maker works at 120 degrees, the coffee needs to be hot in the area where it falls. The first thing that fills is the bottom part,” shows the waiter. Therefore, if the base of the cup is hot, “the temperature will be maintained for as long as possible,” he concludes.

However, debate on this issue has been generated in the comments section. Many users insist on the importance of the cup being upside down to keep it free of dirt and particles. There are those who focus on the fact that the customer can be burned equally by the temperature of the coffee itself, regardless of the position of the cup. While other people support the version presented by Abraham, and other users admit that they have never noticed this detail.

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