Paño Fruits is a family business located in Alcover (Tarragona) that has more than 35 years of experience in the production of organic nuts. With an agricultural base, this company has diversified and expanded its product catalog to offer a wide range of organic nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts, in different presentations: raw, roasted and fried.

In addition, among its products it also offers legumes, seeds, coffee and sugar, all under the highest quality standards and respect for the environment.

The company has several areas of its own cultivation, highlighting the hazelnut, olive, almond and walnut trees. Thanks to its climate and the characteristics of the terrain, the 100% organic products of Paño Fruits are of high quality.

At Paño Fruits, organic farming is a priority to guarantee healthy and natural products, free of substances that can cause diseases and allergies. Since the year 2000, all their farms have been converted and adapted to organic farming, which has allowed them to experience great growth and guarantee that all the products they produce and distribute have this guarantee.

In addition, they prioritize compostable and recyclable products to ensure sustainability.

Another differential factor of this company is its commitment to fair trade, which promotes a voluntary and fair commercial relationship between producers and consumers.

Pioneers in hazelnut production

Hazelnuts are the star product of the company, since in the Camp de Tarragona area, where it is located, they have the only Protected Designation of Origin for a dried fruit in all of Europe: the Reus hazelnut.

To achieve these exquisite hazelnuts, at Paño Fruits they take special care in all the stages of their production, especially in the toasting phase, which is done by hand and respecting their times.

Its hazelnuts have even been used in some of the Celler de Can Roca recipes. In addition, the company is a pioneer in developing a new type of hazelnut, ARJA, adapted to new technologies and with greater productivity.

Coffee, another of its delights

Paño Fruits also produces and distributes other products such as almonds, pistachios or walnuts, among others.

Although it has little to do with nuts, the company has also been dedicated to coffee since 1992. Café CAVALLÉ is the result of a careful selection of the best origins, roasted by hand and packaged with the most modern technology to maintain all the aroma and flavor intact.

Among its different options, you can find ground coffees or beans of different sizes and even decaffeinated options.

Gourmet La Vanguardia’s February Gourmet Selection includes a selection of the best Paño Fruits products. Discover the Blend, Mix and Decaf coffees and enjoy them with delicious almonds and pistachios from Paño Fruits, an Almendrina milk, Paul and Pippa cookies, a Jolonch Chocolate tablet and Happy Lab infusions.

This pack can be purchased at or by calling 935 500 105