
Oceanside Store Faces License Suspension for Underage Alcohol Sales

A convenience store in Oceanside, California, is facing consequences after an employee allegedly provided alcohol to two minors, leading to a car crash resulting in great bodily injury. The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) recently suspended the store’s license in response to the incident.

ABC’s investigation revealed that the two minors involved in the car crash had been given alcohol by a clerk at Wisconsin Market in Oceanside. The 19-year-old driver, identified as Gerardo Macdaleno, obtained the alcoholic beverages from the store before getting behind the wheel under the influence.

The consequences of Macdaleno’s actions were severe, as he crashed into a tree, causing injuries to himself and his two passengers. The incident prompted ABC to take action against Wisconsin Market, resulting in the suspension of their alcoholic beverage license.

Disciplinary Action and Settlement Agreement

Wisconsin Market’s license suspension was announced on ABC’s website, citing violations related to furnishing alcohol to a minor causing great bodily injury or death, as well as the sale of alcohol to a second minor. Additionally, the store was reprimanded for delaying a peace officer during the investigation process.

In response to the disciplinary action, the business licensee entered into a settlement agreement with ABC. As part of the agreement, Wisconsin Market is prohibited from selling alcohol until the conclusion of a 20-day suspension period. Furthermore, the store’s alcohol license will be placed on probation for three years, with the risk of revocation in the event of any future violations.

Preventing Underage Alcohol Sales

The incident at Wisconsin Market serves as a reminder of the importance of preventing underage alcohol sales. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), underage drinking can have serious consequences, including motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and even death.

To combat underage drinking, it is essential for businesses that sell alcohol to enforce strict age verification procedures and training for employees. By ensuring that individuals under the legal drinking age are not able to access alcohol, store owners can help reduce the risk of incidents like the one that occurred at Wisconsin Market.

In addition to following legal regulations, community members can also play a role in preventing underage alcohol sales. Reporting suspicious behavior or instances of minors attempting to purchase alcohol can help authorities intervene before a potentially dangerous situation arises.

Educating the Public

In light of the recent events at Wisconsin Market, there is an opportunity to educate the public on the dangers of underage drinking. Parents, educators, and community leaders can work together to raise awareness about the risks associated with alcohol consumption among minors.

By engaging in conversations about responsible drinking and the legal implications of providing alcohol to minors, individuals can help prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. Emphasizing the importance of making safe choices and looking out for one another can create a culture of accountability and responsibility within the community.

Ultimately, the suspension of Wisconsin Market’s alcohol license serves as a cautionary tale for businesses that sell alcohol. Upholding regulations and taking proactive measures to prevent underage sales is not only a legal requirement but also a moral obligation to protect the well-being of individuals in the community. By working together to promote responsible alcohol consumption, we can strive to create a safer environment for everyone.