My teenage son wants to go on vacation with his friends, should I let him?

There comes a time in the life of every adolescent child when they feel the need to establish a certain distance from their parents, go on adventures and prove to themselves that they are capable of proving a certain degree of independence. However, parents may find it difficult to take this step and, above all, know when the right time is. Psychologist Ludmila Onorati explains that, when a teenage son wants to travel with his friends for the first time, the decision to allow it or not will depend on each family. The specialist advises taking it together and through dialogue between both parties.

These requests usually arise around the age of 16 or 17, he indicates, when they begin to “raise the need or desire to travel alone with their friends.” If they give them permission to do so, the parents will test their trust in their children. In addition to having to warn them of the risks. And if the answer is no, it will be essential to establish these limits assertively. Furthermore, the psychologist advises differentiating whether this prohibition is due to the adolescent not being prepared yet “or whether it is the parents projecting their own fears and insecurities.”

If parents decide to give their teenagers permission to go on vacation with friends, this should mean that they trust them to be decisive, responsible and, above all, prepared. However, this does not mean that certain recommendations should not be shared with them when it is their first solo trip without adults. To do this, the specialist advises a series of indications that should always be kept in mind.

One of the most important is that you always carry your documentation, money and your phone with a charged battery. As well as making sure to have good communication with the group, always informing where each one is and what to do if they get separated. They should also never be alone in unknown places and should pay attention to people and their surroundings. Of course, parents will insist that no matter what, you contact them if you need anything.

Analyze your routine, how you perform, if you are able to resolve everyday situations, your ability to manage money, do you keep your word, is you responsible? All of these questions, as recommended by psychologist Ludmila Onorati, must be asked before letting a teenage son go on vacation with her friends. If the answers lean towards giving it a negative, it will have to be done by establishing clear limits. Firmly and securely, but with empathy and good communication.

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