Mastitis refers to the excessive attachment that the child has towards his mother, which can interfere with the rest of his relationships and social ties, including the other parent and family members or even other children. Furthermore, this behavior of the child is usually accompanied by capricious attitudes, which often manifest themselves in the form of crying and tantrums. The minor refuses to be left in the care of other adults, even if they are her father or grandparents. The only reference for him will be his mother. And this, as you can imagine, entails certain negative consequences.

This excessive attachment is problematic for both parties. On the one hand, it prevents the child from developing appropriate independence and autonomy, as well as developing different types of skills and qualities, especially those related to social relationships and the creation of bonds with other people. As for the mother, this situation of constant complaint is exhausting and limiting, since it interferes with the normal development of her daily life and can lead to stress and anxiety.

Cases of mastitis are especially easy to identify, since the pattern is unequivocal due to the common and insistent behaviors that characterize it. Children who demand their mother at every moment, even with screams and cries, who only want their mother to feed them, dress them and put them to bed, who show strong jealousy if she pays attention to other children. He cries when he does not see his mother, he does not want to interact with other adults or children if his mother is not present. This is a clear case of mastitis. But what can be done about it?

In most cases, mastitis eventually passes since it is only a phase. So great doses of patience and understanding will be required. However, you can also help the minor to modify this behavior; to do so, it will be essential to stimulate the development of his or her self-confidence and self-esteem. For this, overprotective behaviors or behaviors must be avoided, since this will only aggravate the problem. It is also advisable to encourage him to trust more in other people around him, such as grandparents, accompanying him in the process.

However, all cases of mastitis are not the same, since it can vary depending on the causes behind them. For this reason, if the situation does not change and the insistent and intransigent behavior of the minor towards his mother continues, it is best to go to a specialist, who will be in charge of studying the case. This way it will be possible to determine how to proceed for the benefit of the minor.