An atypical therapy session between a psychologist used to facing borderline situations and her supervisor and friend poses the dilemma of Una butaca al Nord Pol, the work by Mercè Sarrias that premieres in the Flyhard room, directed by Mònica Glaenzel.

Sarrias explains: “The work dances between genres, between what we live, how we live it, what we think and what goes through our heads, whether by surprise or not. The work tells us about feelings: of friendship, of exhaustion, of helplessness. … And it leads us towards a dead end: When faced with injustice we only collide with insurmountable walls, is violence justifiable?”

The Barcelona playwright Mercè Sarrias is the author of a dozen plays and has been the screenwriter of successful series such as Porca misèria and Merlí.

The Flyhard theater production stars actresses Susanna Garachana and Maria Pau Pigem, and can be seen at the Sants theater until February 10, 2024.

Catalan version, here