The Marco family has a winemaking tradition of more than five centuries. Its history begins in the 12th century, when the Carthusian monks arrived from France to Priorat bringing with them the varieties that are typical of the region today: Garnacha and Carignan.

The Marco family was already settled in Porrera, as stated in the first census of Catalonia, in 1497. It also appears in the subsequent census carried out by the Count of Floridablanca in 1787. This means that they were already working the fields and the grapes from that so.

But at the end of the 19th century, phylloxera, as in the rest of Europe, attacked the Priorat vineyards and the Marco family was forced to emigrate to Barcelona, ​​luckily keeping their land in Porrera.

Later, in 1898, Ramón Marco Abella was born in Porrera, an enterprising man with a strong character, who decided to revive what had been one of the best vineyards in the Priorat region.

A century later, his grandson David and his wife Olivia decided to go a step further and abandoned their professional careers to build a modern-style winery and start making wine with their own brand.

As 5 centuries ago, the Marco Abella are still located in Porrera, in a privileged location due to its soil, altitude and the influence of the Mediterranean that give their wines a unique character.

Loidana, the great ambassador of the Priory

When we talk about reds, one of the most popular Priorat wines is Loidana. An elegant and balanced proposal made up of cariñena, garnacha and cabernet sauvignon. With delicate notes of fruit and spices, Loidana surprises with its silkiness, harmony and freshness on the palate.

A red wine aged for 8 months that perfectly expresses the character of both Priorat and Porrera and is ideal to accompany recipes such as cannelloni, cod “a la llauna” or roast chicken with plums and pine nuts, among many others. .

art as etiquette

Another of the great treasures that this wine hides (in addition to its flavor) is its label, designed by the Catalan painter Josep Guinovart (Barcelona 1927-2007).

Guinovart, internationally recognized, founded the Tahüll group in 1955 and was linked to the Dau al Set group together with Modest Cuixart, Jaume Muxart, Antoni Tàpies and Joan-Josep Tharrats.

For the Loidana label, Guinovart was inspired by the colors of Priorat and the Mediterranean, reflecting the spirit of roots to the land and the contemporary spirit of the Marco Abella winery.

Now you can enjoy Loidana in its 2019 (excellent) vintage thanks to the 10th Anniversary Selection of the La Vanguardia Gourmet Wine Club, where it is accompanied by six great wines that have been part of the selections in these 10 years: LaQuarta de Sant Josep Vins from Terra Alta, Tocat de l’Ala de Coca and Fitó del Empordà, Abadal 5 Merlot from Pla de Bages, Braó de Acústic Celler del Montsant and Durona from Montrubí del Penedès.

You can buy this pack through or by calling 935 500 105.