In moments of leisure, rest and enjoyment, we all want to make the most of them. For this reason, from Club Vanguardia we bring you the best plans of the moment so that you don’t waste a second not knowing what to do in your precious free time. In this selection you will find theatrical proposals of the highest level, a very healthy restaurant, a museum that has AI as its protagonist and the most awarded cinema. Let’s start!

The star festival of the regions of Girona turns 32 in this edition and is now an unmissable event for lovers of the arts in general. With an extensive lineup, Estación Alta will take place until December 9 and will feature theater shows, music, for family audiences, dance and even monologues. Among the most notable theater proposals, you will find Casares-Camus: Una història d’amor, directed by Mario Gas, and the reading of texts by Míriam Iscla and Pol López (with the Festival Clàssics Barcelona), Els ossos de l’irlandès, by Teatre Nu, The Matter. From the Lioness to the Invincible, by Olga Pericet and Daniel Abreu, or the new projects by Las Chicas del Barro, Las Huecas, Cascai Teatre, Jordi Oriol – Indi Gest, Ada Vilaró, Sergi Buka or Albert Pla, among others. The program includes an important program of co-productions of international premieres, as well as two proposals that will take place in Barcelona, ??The Golberg Variations BMV 988 by the company. Rosas, with the Mercat de les Flors, and the re-production of La Doleur by Patrice Chéreau and Thierry Thieû Niang with Dominique Blanc, at the Teatro Romea. This year, Dijous de comèdia a TA, a stand-up comedy program with comedians d’El soterrani, Ana Polo, Marc Sarrats and Judit Martín, will also be added to the programming. A very varied poster so you can find that piece that you like the most. Club Vanguardia offers you a 15% discount on tickets. Are you already thinking about what you are going to see?

If you are passionate about technology and Artificial Intelligence, Nomad Immersive Museum in Madrid is your place. A space in which to experiment, play and feel everything around you in a radically immersive way. The museum features interactive displays, projection mapping and cutting-edge technology that bring art and storytelling to life in a unique and captivating way. You will also find an infinite hallway, you can see yourself reflected in multiple dimensions or enter a new universe through virtual reality glasses. Immerse yourself in fascinating digital worlds, interact with virtual characters and live exciting adventures, all thanks to the power of VR technology. Now you can also enjoy the UtØpía 1.0 exhibition, which shows what a world dominated by artificial intelligence would be like; a world in which pseudospecies and neonature dominate the streets. From immersive sound journeys to dynamic light shows, it’s a multi-sensory feast for the senses! With Club Vanguardia you will have a 10% discount on tickets every day.

National cinema is synonymous with talent, sensitivity and stories told with great enthusiasm. Every year there are films produced here that go straight to the race for the best international festivals and awards, and that is a source of pride. This is what the Cicle Gaudí aims to reflect, bringing viewers throughout Catalonia a selection of the best recent productions at an affordable price. This stable film series, which is a project closely linked to the territory of the Catalan Cinema Academy, is currently present in 109 municipalities in Catalonia. Soon, they will be screened: in October, The Good Companies, directed by Sílvia Munt that features, among others, Alícia Falcó, Elena Tarrats, Itziar Ituño and Ainhoa ??Santamaría, about a teenager in the year 76 and her coming of age in the dawn of feminism in Spain; in November, Els charmingts, the long-awaited new film by Elena Trapé, with Laia Costa, Daniel Pérez Prada, Pep Cruz, Aina Clotet, among others, about a recently separated mother who faces her fears; and in December, Un cel de plom, by Miquel Romans and with Nausicaa Bonnín, Rachel Lascar and Iria del Río among the cast, which tells the story of the feminist republican Neus Català in 1945 after her time in the concentration camps. Nazis. An excellent selection of the best of the most recent cinema that with Club Vanguardia you can see with a 2×1 discount on admission. Lights Camera action!

Impro Side Story is an ‘impro’ show without a script or score in which nothing is rehearsed or agreed upon, which will take place on November 3 at the Teatre Kursaaal in Manresa. The beauty of the work is that neither the actors, nor the musician, nor the audience know what they are going to do, sing or interpret. Pure talent, madness and humor at the service of the public, who is the authentic screenwriter. In each performance and completely improvised, new stories will be born on stage in which music and songs will play a fundamental role. You will travel from the elegant Broadway musicals to the fantastic Disney universe or the golden age of the ‘Golden Age’, among others. A show full of ingenuity that Club Vanguardia brings you with a €5 discount. Remember, on November 3 at the Teatre Kursaal in Manresa. Let yourself go and turn your contributions into protagonists of the stage!

The popular traditional pastry shop from Barcelona Farga, which has more than 60 years of history, arrives with a new restaurant proposal in Barcelona and Madrid. Secrets by Farga are unique and current places where cuisine and nutrition come together to create their own, balanced and delicious proposal in an original and casual atmosphere. Their maxim is that a committed, healthy and sustainable diet must also be a tasty diet. To share their “Healthymood” with their customers, they offer fresh, Km0, unprocessed and seasonal products. A varied and delicious proposal with everything you need to enjoy healthy eating. With Club Vanguardia you have a 10% discount every day on the menu, menu and drinks. What are you waiting for to try this new healthy proposal?