How many times have you heard about “Chinese Oranges!”? Well, Chinese oranges exist and are better known by the name Kumquat. They are a small citrus fruit, with smooth, thin skin, and edible, and are a true nutritional treasure. The Kumquat is originally from China, it is consumed whole and its skin is edible, a bit sweet, however, the interior is more bitter with an acidic touch.

In fact, there are certain varieties of which only the skin is consumed. In the Iberian Peninsula, it is harvested during the months of January and February as it changes color from green to orange. And the person responsible for introducing this fruit to Europe was the English botanist Robert Fortune in the mid-19th century and he called it Fortunella Margarita.

Kumquat is a perfect citrus for making jams and jams, and you can prepare delicious sauces for meats similar to chutney. In Asia, kumquat pickles are also made in vinegar, and in Hong Kong there is a typical kumquat dessert in syrup. It can be stored at room temperature for about 4 days and a couple of weeks in the refrigerator.

As it belongs to the citrus family, it is rich in Vitamin C, potassium and folic acid. It has a large amount of fiber. They have antioxidant properties thanks to carotenoids (oxalic, tartaric, malic and citric acid). To a lesser extent, it contains minerals and trace elements such as magnesium or calcium, which is why the WHO recommends its consumption.


Rich in flavonoids and vitamin C, Kumquat is a great natural antioxidant that takes care of our cardiovascular health.

Good for pregnant women

Kumquat contains folic acid, an essential vitamin in the processes of cell division and multiplication that take place in the first months of pregnancy, although due to its acidic composition it can cause heartburn.

Indicated in cases of anemia

Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from food, so Kumquat is recommended in cases of iron deficiency anemia, accompanying foods rich in iron or supplements of this mineral as this accelerates recovery.

natural antiseptic

The citric acid content makes it a fruit with antiseptic properties on the digestive and urinary tracts. In addition, it alkalizes urine, which benefits those who have kidney stones (especially due to uric acid salts) and facilitates the elimination of uric acid.

satiating effect

This fruit provides a significant amount of fiber that promotes intestinal transit and reduces the speed of gastric emptying. Therefore, it is very useful in weight loss regimes, since its consumption produces a feeling of satiety.