Carrying excessive weight, practicing repetitive exercises or simply adopting bad postures can cause serious back discomfort. Opting for an orthosis to relieve pain seems like the best option, however, proper use and correct placement are crucial to guarantee the therapeutic efficacy of these accessories. There are different types of lumbar belts that will help you support your back, correct your posture and alleviate pain associated with daily activity or specific effort.

Lumbar supports, to be useful, must increase abdominal pressure to control movements, limit mobility and distribute the weight that the spine must support with the muscles to prevent back injuries. The use of these products does not guarantee the absence of pain or greater physical performance in daily activities. Its prolonged use is also discouraged to prevent the muscles from getting used to it and not suffering when it comes to resuming efforts.

To guarantee the therapeutic efficacy of these products, choosing the right size and its placement are two determining issues, which you can consult with your pharmacist. Both excessive abdominal pressure and insufficient support will be equally ineffective. In the first case, cardiovascular disorders can occur, and in the second, the belt will not protect us against possible injuries.

The benefits of wearing girdles will multiply if it is combined with a correct body posture, the performance of specific exercises to alleviate lower back discomfort and the maintenance of regular physical activity.

Some models of girdles are one size fits all, so correct placement is crucial for it to be effective. In the case of lumbosacral belts, you must place the lateral modules so that they are equidistant from the central axis before closing it.

Return to your comfort position and check that the belt is well adjusted without squeezing the abdomen too much.