Cats are animals that are associated with many interesting curiosities and behaviors, such as the fact that they open their mouths when they smell something. In addition, one of their most characteristic actions is to groom themselves by licking. Despite their aversion to water baths, kitties are very neat and love to groom themselves and brush their coats, licking themselves with their tongues riddled with small comb-like filaments.

Although this act helps to keep them cleaner and reduces the trail of hair they will leave around the house, furniture and clothes, licking the fur also has certain negative consequences for the cat. And it is that with this instinctive practice, the animal ingests a large amount of the dead hair that it sheds, especially in times of shedding –autumn and spring– and even more so in the case of cats with long hair.

Normally they can eliminate this ingested hair without problems, expelling it through feces or vomiting. However, sometimes this can accumulate in excess, obstructing the animal’s stomach and intestine. When this occurs, it causes stomach pain, constipation, excessive vomiting, apathy, lack of appetite and other digestive conditions. To prevent your cat from suffering from hairballs, take note of some recommendations.

If you brush your cat’s coat regularly, you will help remove dead hair, thus reducing the amount the animal will ingest. Combing them is especially necessary in the case of species with longer hair, in which case brushing should be daily and very thorough.

You have to use a specific brush for cats and comb them carefully so that they do not find it unpleasant. Always do it at the same time, so that they internalize it as part of their routine until they get used to it. Also, offer him trinkets to reward his good behavior and to associate brushing with something positive.

Offering a quality diet to your cat is essential for its health. If you also provide him with a high fiber content – ??with feed or specific wet food – you will promote his intestinal transit and the elimination of hairballs, thus avoiding obstructions and indigestion.

Malt for cats is a natural laxative, a paste composed of malt extract, oils, vegetable fats, fiber, dairy products and yeast, which improves the digestion of kittens. Its main benefit is that it breaks down hairballs and exerts a laxative effect, promoting its elimination through feces and fighting constipation. On the other hand, you can also offer catnip, which reinforces its fiber intake and will help it purge.