He does the leash test on his three dogs and the difference between border collie and husky is hilarious

Thanks to social networks, mainly TikTok, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter), users observe the most incredible scenes every week. This week, a video went viral in which an Internet user shows the hilarious behavior of his dog.

The TikTok account @underratedsimpsons, known for sharing various content, has uploaded the video in which a young man decides to loosen the leashes of his three dogs in the middle of their daily walk. The reaction is unique.

“Checking how my dogs behave if I pull the leash” says the video in which three dogs appear: two border collies and a husky. To the surprise of Internet users, the reaction of each race is totally different.

While both border collies decide to stay with their owner, the husky takes advantage of the freedom to explore the park. But it does not finish here. With a view to recruiting his partner, one of the border collies goes in search of him and decides to pull the husky’s leash until he brings him back.

The border collie is one of the most intelligent dogs in the world. Of British origin, these dogs usually act as shepherds and guards. The International Cynological Federation (FCI) itself states that the border collie is a dog “of great docility” and that it stands out for being “astute, alert, obedient and intelligent. It is considered a dog “neither nervous nor aggressive.”

As expected, this incredible scene already amasses all kinds of comments from users who have been left speechless with the animal’s dexterity: “If you give it a chance, the border collie will do your finances and pay your university tuition,” says one user. , while another states: “The border collie will walk the husky for you if you want.”

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