If you’re a landscaper, then you need to think about all of the options that are available. If you don’t have insurance at all then this could cause you major issues in the future and you may even find that your business is brought down as a result.

General Liability

General liability insurance is also known as slip and fall insurance, or commercial and general liability. This is the type of insurance that your business should absolutely take out. If you want an example of why you need it, then imagine mowing someone’s lawn, only to find that you hit a rock and it flies out of the machine. This could then chip someone’s windshield, and if you don’t have this kind of insurance then you will absolutely be responsible for paying the fee. Little accidents like this can happen all the time, and that’s one of the many reasons why this is the most popular type of landscaping insurance policies you can get.

Worker’s Compensation

Worker’s compensation is another valuable option that your business will certainly want to look into. This type of policy will cover you or your workers if anyone is injured while on the job. This cover will help you to pay any kind of medical expenses such as antibiotics or even bandages.

Property Insurance

Property insurance is another ataköy escort type of very important cover that you should most certainly consider. It will protect your landscaping equipment, furniture and building in general if you experience theft, vandalism or damage. If you aren’t sure if you need this type of cover or not, then imagine how devastating it would be to have a tree fall through your storage unit window, where you keep all of your expensive equipment. Would you have the money to replace everything that gets damaged? Probably not, so property insurance is essential here.

Professional Liability

If you don’t know a lot about insurance, then you may think that professional liability and general liability are covered under the same policy. This isn’t the case at all, as this type of cover protects you against civil suits, professional mistakes and even legal fees too. Take the following for example, you recommend a certain type of lawn treatment to your client, but after they follow your advice, their entire garden dies and they lose some prized plants too. If this did happen, they would be able to sue your company, and there’s a high chance that you wouldn’t be able to afford the legal fees involved here, let alone the cost of actually paying them out for damages. That’s why professional liability insurance is so important, and you should take it out separately if it isn’t included in your policy. At the end of the day, cover like this is ideal for accidents or things that happen unexpectedly, and when you work in the world of business you’ll soon find that this can happen far more than you realise.

So, do you need to worry about insurance as a landscaper? Yes, because if you don’t have the right cover, then you may end up being the cause of your own downfall.