Dei Furbi believe that Joan Brossa would have a lot to say in this universe of metadata and labels, and for this reason its playwright and director, Gemma Beltran, has created

With the music and musical arrangements by Paco Viciana, the three performers even sing a version of Wagner a cappella, the Brossalquíries, in this story that explains, like the Faust that inspires him, a journey in search of the immortalized soul of the artist. inside your inventory.

Queralt Albinyana, Anna Alborch and Marc Pujol are two sopranos and a tenor who interpret this musical doing polyphony with their voices, without any accompanying instrument.

Beltran explains how this show came about: “It was commissioned by the Fundació Brossa. It gave me a lot of respect, but it seemed like a fantastic challenge to me. I found the idea from seeing his graphic work and scenic poetry. They say that every artist leaves part of his work to be immortal and that made me think of Goethe’s Faust”.

“His soul never made it to hell and that’s why I send a kind of tailcoat collector to rescue the soul, but this time from the works,” the playwright continues. The idea is to “find the soul in Brossa’s pieces,” she explains. From all the material, “we discovered that she loved Schubert, Wagner, Schumann” and her music finished setting up the project.

“The idea of ​​the hashtag is because he had this fascination for letters, especially for the A, which was a poetic trigger, but overwhelmingly simple. He didn’t know it, but it has magic and is a door to metadata, which It’s what he did in his lifetime, with automatic writing and radical artistic incontinence.”

Beltran acknowledges that there is so much material in this Brossa inventory that it became very difficult to choose which one they chose, and they chose to take the one that gave them the most play. “He is very mental and we are very physical, and there has been a train crash, but we have been able to take advantage of it,” he concludes.

The show

Catalan version, here