Some children begin to adopt a discordant attitude from a very early age to any request from their parents. Contempt for the food on the table, tantrums for not seeing their whims fulfilled or even mockery and confrontations contaminate the coexistence between families with disobedient kids. The truth is that no one is rebellious by nature and, if your child adopts these behaviors, it is likely that he suffers from certain educational deficiencies.
Parents cannot ignore or underestimate this kind of behavior and must seriously try to correct it. In a similar situation, you must intervene before your child’s challenges intensify or transfer them to other contexts such as school. Opposing the role of the father constitutes a maladaptive disorder that, dragging him into adolescence, will only report problems to the family. Begin by honestly conveying to your child that his actions affect you and, only in this way, will you be able to ensure his cognitive and social development.
As parents, be clear that you are the authority in the home and your role is to provide discipline. This does not mean that you have to be a sergeant, since, as it happens in many aspects, everything will depend on the tone in which you do it. You can establish rules with words of kindness and affection and, what’s more, it will be an effective way to do it so that your child respects you.
On the other hand, never consent to disrespect. That your son talks back to you in bad ways or raises his voice is out of place. You must teach him the value of respect and try to have empathy with him so that he expresses his feelings without hostility from him. One method to regulate his emotions is to impose a routine and daily goals on him. Schedule with him the tasks for the week and help him to fulfill them. In this way your child will learn to control frustration.
Some parents downplay challenging behaviors, some laugh at them, and others believe that physical punishment is the solution to reversing them. Any of these reactions is wrong, because contrary to what you want to achieve, they will only reinforce your child’s misbehavior. If you smack him, you will enter a dynamic of revenge and the challenges will become more and more violent. Therefore, you must avoid arbitrariness and agree with him what the rules are, the limits that he must not exceed and explain the consequences of not complying with these agreements.
Similarly, children need to feel the unconditional love of their parents. Reward good behavior so that when he complies with the new rules, you hug him and treat him to quality time. Sometimes a little love is the most effective remedy against bad attitudes.