What wildlife lover wouldn’t like to have an exotic species in their home? Imagine what it would be like to feed him, care for him, or play with him. Although this is impossible, some domestic species today share genetic characteristics with wild animals. This is the case of Bengal cats, whose origin dates back to the cross between a domestic cat and an Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis bengalensis). An experiment by Jean Sugen, which concluded in the official recognition of Bengal cats as a breed by the International Feline Association in 1983.

Bengal cats are domestic, but their appearance reminds us of a tiger or leopard cub. Its fur, short and full of brown or dark spots, can be ocher, orange or cream in color. Its black-dotted tail, abdomen and spotted pads will help you recognize it but, above all, its open and playful nature makes it the perfect pet.

Adult specimens of this species weigh between 6 and 8 kilos and can reach 26 centimeters in height. Bengal cats are attentive, affectionate, and very playful! They love to spend time with their owners, from whom they nevertheless require a high pace of activity. In addition to being energetic, they have a high life expectancy, between 13 and 16 years.

These animals have a dominant personality due to their wild origin. A temperament that they counteract with the kindness and closeness of their domestic cat. It is essential to ensure the socialization of Bengal cats from puppyhood and it is recommended that they live with more cats, of the same breed or a calmer one.

Bengal cats require quality food. Luckily, their palate is quite broad and they accept both wet and dry feed, as well as meat and fish. However, you will have to modify your diet depending on the life stage you are in; puppy, adult or senior.

With respect to physical exercise, it is a vital issue for your development. Bengal cats love to climb and climb around the house, so if you decide to adopt one, you will have to provide it with a good scratching post or play space. All this activity will help prevent patellar dislocation, a genetic disease that often affects them.

It is a species with a marked exploratory nature that constantly needs to satisfy its curiosity. He can’t stand boredom and even likes water! The ideal thing for a Bengal cat to enjoy is to provide it with a limited space on your terrace or garden where it feels comfortable and liberated. Remember that the wild character of this species is accentuated in the specimens of the first generations.

Of course, don’t forget to test their wits with stimulating games or intelligence tests. Your little furry friend will never cease to amaze you!