Benefits of balance bikes for children

Sport is essential for the development of children. From when they are babies with the ‘tummy time’ -turning them upside down to strengthen their necks-, to swimming classes, going through the practice of some extracurricular discipline such as football, basketball, karate, skating or dancing.

Among the many positive exercises for the little ones in the house, the role of riding a bicycle stands out. It is an effective and very ecological method for them to get around, something that they will appreciate when they begin to have autonomy and want to make plans with friends or go to school alone. In addition, as a sport, it is vital for iron health. It strengthens your cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles and joints, and is a perfect way to entertain yourself, explore nature, and clear your mind.

For some time now, balance bikes have emerged as a growing trend thanks to their many advantages. They consist of small bikes in which the child must propel himself directly with his feet on the ground, which can be used from the age of two. Therefore, they are perfect for starting to practice riding a bicycle from an early age, with more effective results than opting for tricycles or training wheels, due to the benefits they provide.

Since balance bikes can start to be used from the age of two, the child will be able to start riding a bicycle at an early age, when they are in the process of exploring the world and their own abilities. It will be a perfect entertainment for him and he will become familiar with this method of mobility.

Balance bikes are very easy to ride and, as a general rule, all children quickly learn to function on them. In addition, since they are very low, the falls from them are not serious nor do they give them that much impression. In this way, they gain security and confidence that will be of great help in order to switch to an “adult” bike in the future.

When children start to ride a bike, even if it is with the support of the training wheels or on a tricycle, they have to work on balance, steering and the action of pedaling at the same time. This can be overwhelming and confusing at first, causing the occasional downfall, frustration, and sometimes even fear.

With pedal-less bikes, the little ones in the house begin to work on balance and steering first, which are closely linked and will come out more naturally. So when it’s time to take a bicycle, they only have to learn to pedal, since the rest will be more than controlled.

On these pedal-free bikes, children will improve their coordination and motor skills, thanks to the movement of the legs and arms involved, and the importance of concentration to move around and avoid obstacles.

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