When a matter is very delicate to deal with, or they give you information that is difficult to verify, it is advisable to take it with a grain of salt. And that is precisely the function of tongs in the kitchen: to treat some foods with the delicacy they deserve.

For example, to serve pasta without breaking it and without having to fight to untangle the spaghetti. Or to serve salad without weighing down the delicate structures of the lettuce leaves. Also to delicately turn chicken breasts in the pan.

I also use them when I have to season raw foods and need clean hands to pick up the condiments. Whether it’s fish, meat or chicken, I turn each piece with the tongs and have both hands free and dry.

I have also seen in some videos on social networks that they use them to extract all the juice from lemon and other citrus fruits. That’s already a more brutal use of the tongs, and you also run the risk of some bitter oils leaking from the rind.

Anyway, if you don’t have tongs in your kitchen, get a good pair. They will help you with more than one delicate task. The week starts with

Baked preparations

Preparations with sofrito

Fire preparations

Cold preparations