After twelve years creating together, VVAA Col·lectiu presents a new production in the Tallers room of the TNC, until June 2, where it reflects on collectivity and separation. This is Baby no more, which is an immersive, but “non-participatory” show.

Anna Serrano Gatell directs Clara Aguilar, Marc Cartanyà, Max Grosse Majench, Elena Martín and Sandra Pujol Torguet on stage, in this exploration of the collective fact. The work asks if society can achieve its milestones collectively or if the tendency must be separation, as a reflection of the collective’s own history, with powerful individual careers, such as that of the filmmaker Elena Martín, who propose a paradigm shift in operation.

Starting from the question “What happens in collective life?”, is the story of a woman who wants to freeze eggs, eggs that debate whether they want to be fertilized or not; There is also another story that tells how they want to make a Constitution based on the community. “There is no place and the place belongs to everyone,” says the director. The references are pop: “We are young but we already have a history.”

Salicrú reveals that they have started from Roberto Juarroz’s verse that says: “In the center of the party?/ is the void. / But in the center of the void?/ there is another party.” And he concludes: “Our individual careers are fueled by our collective creation. Twelve years of doing things together is a breeding ground that has served us inside and outside.”