Over time, it is common for the functions and responsibilities with which a worker began taking his first steps in a company to change considerably. Possibly, these will have increased, even though the salary has not. This is one of the most common cases in which work psychology intervenes, since a salary increase must be requested according to the level of demands of the company. However, some workers may feel overwhelmed by not knowing how to deal with this situation and are hesitant about whether or not to make the formal request for a raise.

The key to doing this is to carry out a brief prior planning, identifying the best time to take the step and what strategy to follow. It is important to be very clear about the arguments to present this modification of the relationship between worker and company, since appearing confident and convinced is one of the main success factors. Hesitations about whether to take the step or not will also be left aside; after all, it is a legal and fair request.

Once a minimum of prior preparation has been carried out, which will require organizing thoughts and formulating a series of clear and convincing reasons, it is time to take action.