Novel and memoir. With historical documentation and interviews with the people who knew them, Miquel Àngel Bergés tells the story of the anarchist revolts, the Civil War, the Franco regime and the exile of the anarchists in Coses que we did before we were forgotten (Things we did before we were forgotten). Félix Lorenzo Páramo, first anarchist mayor of Lleida; Josep Larroca, president of the People’s Court and Maria la Caçadora, militia persecutor of chaplains. She had been a butler for the priest who owned the Lerida newspaper El Correo.

The presentation of the book at the La Panera art center was not accidental. It is the building that housed the military barracks in Lleida in 1933, from the anarchist revolt that Bergés portrays “with 22 churches, 77 friars, 300 chaplains and 305 monks and some 36,000 inhabitants”.

Cartoonist Josep Maria Cazares incorporates a comic explaining the making-off of the novel published by Pagès Editors in which Bergés gives voice to people from Lleida forgotten by defeat and by the prominence of the great names of Barcelona anarchism.

Things we did before we were forgotten is the fourth literary collaboration of Bergés y Cazares. They share three graphic novels, Checkpoint, which takes place in Berlin, in the weeks before the construction of the Wall; Memoir of a summer, edited by the Ayuntamiento de Lleida and Pagès Editors, about the Civil War in the city and Calle del Norte, Lleida Prize for Narrative in 2007.