8 tips to cope with emotional exhaustion

Physical fatigue is a very easy feeling to recognize and also relatively easy to alleviate. After a hard workout or a long walk, sitting or lying down will make us feel better and a good night’s sleep will make us wake up with renewed energy. However, the same is not true of emotional exhaustion, which is more complex to recognize and remedy.

Emotional exhaustion or exhaustion occurs when a person is overwhelmed by their circumstances, whether at work, academic or personal. If the obligations, responsibilities, external demands and self-demands exceed you, little by little you sink into a state of mental exhaustion and it also affects how you feel physically.

A stressful work environment, caring for an elderly or dependent person, the education of your children, a conflictive relationship… There are many circumstances that can cause emotional exhaustion. As a consequence, the person feels irritable, apathetic, without motivation or enthusiasm for her life. It is difficult for him to concentrate and his performance decreases, to which are added sleep problems. In addition, you isolate yourself from your loved ones and abandon activities and habits that you used to enjoy. To avoid falling into a state of emotional exhaustion or overcome it once it is already happening, we follow the recommendations compiled by Mundo Psicólogos to deal with emotional exhaustion.

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