Although a standard frequency of bowel movements has not been established, since it can be just as healthy to go to the bathroom three times a day as it is once every two days as long as a regular pattern is followed and there is no discomfort, it is true that There are some signs that show that our intestinal transit is not working well.

According to the so-called Rome III Criteria, a city where a group of experts in functional digestive disorders (FDDs) have met since 1992 and drawn a series of conclusions based on consensus opinions, a patient is considered to suffer from constipation when for more than 25 % of stools present two or more of the following symptoms: “requires excessive effort, hard or goat-like stools, does not achieve a comfortable sensation of rectal emptying, has a sensation of obstruction in the anorectal area, uses manual maneuvers to facilitate expulsion ( digital extraction or pelvic floor compression), or has a bowel movement less than three times a week.”

If these symptoms occur and no associated pathology occurs (the consumption of certain drugs can also lead to constipation), it is a sign that our digestive system needs help. Help that is not based solely on a change in diet, but must come through various fronts. “In addition to eliminating foods low in fiber and high in fat or starch from the diet, it is essential to do physical exercise, which will activate intestinal activity,” explains nutrition specialist Susana León. In this sense, the expert states that “it is always preferable to do sports for 40 minutes four times a week than to beat ourselves up for three hours in a single day.”

Sometimes, some people who suffer from constipation do not know that drinking too little liquid can be an aggravating factor. “Hydration is as important as diet and exercise, since the fecal bolus has to swell, which is impossible if we do not provide water,” explains León. In this sense, the expert recommends replenishing fluids regularly, both in the form of water and coffee, infusions, soups or creams, as they are also essential for numerous functions of the body.

Among the foods that should be avoided, or at least moderate their consumption, if we are constipated are the following:

Green banana

Green or unripe bananas have a large amount of starch, which can cause constipation. The same does not happen with bananas that have already ripened, since those starches are transformed into sugars. In fact, ripe fruit is, in general terms, a great ally for those who suffer from constipation, as it has a high fiber content and some, such as melon, watermelon or orange, also have a lot of water, which favors intestinal transit.

White rice

It also contains a lot of starch, which can influence bowel movements, so it is advisable to always opt for its whole grain version if we are constipated. “Rather than completely eliminating some astringent foods that may be nutritionally interesting, it is advisable to always take them in smaller quantities and accompanied by a serving of vegetables. This will provide the fiber necessary to facilitate digestion. It is very important, both for those who suffer from constipation and for those who do not, to include a serving of vegetables in every meal and eat several pieces of fruit daily,” recommends León, who points out that this simple habit – including a little salad in every meal, starting with a cream of vegetables or taking a handful of green beans or broccoli as a garnish with meat or fish – can be decisive in improving our intestinal activity and our health.

Red meat and sausages

They are low in fiber and rich in fats and proteins, that is, a ticking time bomb for all those who find it difficult to go to the bathroom. “They are very rich in fat and this slows down gastric emptying and takes longer to digest, something we should avoid. The ideal is to opt for light foods that are easily digested”, which we will find mainly in the garden, according to the nutritionist. The expert also recommends consuming whole grains, which have a high amount of fiber, and flax seeds.


Although it is healthy to drink up to half a liter of milk a day, León recommends being cautious with milk and derivatives, especially full-fat dairy products and highly aged cheeses, if we have difficulty going to the bathroom. When we talk about dairy products, it is important to keep in mind that in this category we do not find dairy desserts. “The only recommended dairy dessert is whole natural yogurt without sugar: neither skimmed, nor flans, nor custard, nor any other dairy preparation has a place in a healthy diet,” says nutritionist Paloma Quintana, who warns that most They contain a large amount of added sugars.


According to a study by the University of Navarra, moderate consumption of chocolate stimulates blood flow to the brain and heart, so it could improve cognitive function. It also has other properties, such as its antioxidant, heart-healthy and even protective effects on tooth enamel, according to a study carried out by the University of Guayaquil (Ecuador). León insists that only dark chocolate should be consumed, since milk chocolate contains a large amount of fat and added sugars, and points out that “we should not take more than one ounce a day, since although it is healthy, it is very fatty.” This fat content can cause difficulties when digesting and, therefore, problems for constipated people.


Here we also include croquettes, empanadas, Roman-style squid and any other fried food. The fat contained in these foods slows down digestive activity, as do those that contain trans fats such as pastries, snacks and other ultra-processed foods. In the case of potatoes, they should not be consumed either fried or cooked if we are constipated, given their high starch content.

black tea

Although it is important to stay hydrated to promote bowel movements, some infusions, such as black tea, can be counterproductive if we are constipated. This drink is rich in tannins, a substance present in foods of plant origin that acts as an antioxidant, protecting our digestive system, but at the same time has astringent and anti-inflammatory effects. It is better to drink green or white tea, as its amount of tannins is considerably lower.