It is a mistake to believe that children’s cognitive stimulation begins when they learn to read and write, since the truth is that in their first year of life we ??can also do a lot for their development and intelligence. Common practices that we do unconsciously, such as telling them stories, talking to them or playing music, result in important benefits for babies.

We should not only focus on their physical and motor development, embracing practices such as ‘tummy time’ to help them strengthen their neck or try to encourage their crawling. We also have to focus on their cognitive stimulation, promoting their mental abilities even when they are one-year-old babies.

And early childhood is a determining moment for their intelligence and the acquisition of psychic abilities. They explore and absorb everything through their five senses and, as parents, we can do a lot to enhance their intelligence.

Dr. Álvaro Bilbao is a neurologist and father of three children. He has published a book titled “Children’s Brains Explained to Parents” and teaches courses on education and parenting. But he also has a profile on the social network Instagram where, under the alias @soyalvarobilbao, he has 1.6 million followers who do not miss any of his publications on child neurology and parenting.

As the neurologist explains, “the child’s brain begins to develop from the first months of life, so promoting happiness, healthy emotions and intelligence in them from the time they are babies is something that should be common.” Therefore, she shares five things that parents can do in the first year of a baby’s life to enhance their intelligence.