Does your forehead turn into the Niagara falls after a meal? Do you sweat excessively post-lunch or dinner? Your sweaty armpits and palms can be ugly and embarrassing. Learn about these five foods that cause Hyperhidrosis to prevent future embarrassment.

  • Caffeine

Your morning coffee not only stimulates your nervous system but also activates your sweat gland. Since caffeine increases your pressure and heart rate, your sweat glands try to cool you down.

  • Spicy Foods

When it is hot outside, your sweat glands regulate the body temperature by perspiring. The same thing happens when you consume spicy food. Spicy foods contain a chemical called capsaicin, which confuses your body to think that it is hot outside.

  • High Protein Foods

This is a no brainer. Protein needs more energy to digest. It means your body would heat up and thus activating your sweat glands to reduce the body temperature.

  • Alcohol

Alcohol causes excessive sweating for many reasons. It dilates your blood vessels and requires more energy to break down. Put together, if you sweat a lot, reduce your alcohol consumption.

  • Processed Food

Avoid junk foods altogether! Your body needs to put extra effort into digesting these foods while your sweat glands try to control the body temperature.