Since the USPSTF (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force) issued a suggestion proclamation in 2012 that recommended all men to not preventively test themselves for prostate cancer by utilizing the Prostate Specific Antigen test, Dr. David Samadi raised an alarm at the rates at which men have chosen to get the test have dropped at an alarming rate.

The suggestions was issued on the premise that most men that have a positive test outcome have negligible types of tumor that, in all likelihood, won’t advance or will develop so slowly that they won’t have time to impose any danger during a man’s lifetime. The results of the screening could determine some men to treat themselves with medications or procedures that will influence them for whatever remains of their lives, with side effects such as urinary incontinence or sexual dysfunctions. The results are more damaging than the diagnosis itself. However, Dr. David Samadi  raises concerns regarding the validity of this recommendation: lots of cases of unsuspecting patients might go untreated until it’s too late.

The general accord isn’t to relinquish the PSA test in each condition. However, men and their doctors should examine about what are the patient’s worries, if there are hazard factors, for example, hereditary ones, or how relaxed the patient is with not being in full control of his medical outcome. Some General Health Associations may still encourage PSA testing and doctors like David Samadi may keep on offering it, as a result of positive experiences and of the number of lives saved after preventive screening.

In any case, there are clear investigations from the American Cancer Society with respect to the impacts that the USPSTF proposal had on the PSA screening rates. It creates the impression that in 2013, in the wake of withdrawing support for the screening of men all things considered, the quantity of men that got tested diminished by 7%, contrasted with the 38% rate in 2010. In 2015, as indicated by a similar organization, the rates appeared to recuperate a bit of, reaching up to 32%.

Dr. Alex Krist who is an individual from the USPSTF and a partner teacher of family drug and populace wellbeing at Virginia Commonwealth University, clarified the team’s proposal. Measurably, of 1000 men who get the prostate-specific antigen test, 240 will get a positive outcome and will be required to get a biopsy. Out of these men, a major bit of them won’t locate any malignant cells. Somewhere between 20-50% of the individuals who will test positive for prostate cancer will really have to face a severe diagnosis of a malignancy that will never develop, spread or affect them. Out of the underlying 1000 men, one will be rescued from dying of prostate cancer and three will catch the disease before metastatic prostate growth.

Dr. Samadi is, however, concerned with the rate that young men present to his office with prostate cancer, after having high PSA levels. The general worry in this case is that the disease is getting more aggressive and affects younger men, with or without hereditary predispositions. It’s these cases that David Samadi warns will be too late to be cured if the men don’t make a habit out of presenting to the doctor for PSA screening.

There are several cases when, after a positive prostate cancer diagnosis, the doctor may recommend a type of treatment more aggressive than would normally be appropriate, or the patient won’t feel comfortable with the Watchful Waiting or Active Surveillance strategy. Dr Samadi says that, considering all of  these aspects, the ultimate decision with respect to screening must be taken by the patient. When he is educated on the considerable number of dangers that derive from this test and the conceivable treatment that may entail, he needs to adjust every one of the actualities and pick the choice that best lines up with his interests. On the off chance that prostate disease is a diagnosis that panics him and it’s more vital to feel safe about it, as opposed to carry on with whatever is left of his existence with conceivable symptoms from treatment, at that point he ought to get normal PSA checks. Then again, in the event that he feels certain about his well being and he’s more worried of the urinary incontinence issue and sexual dysfunctions, he could delay the PSA test until a later time in his life.

The USPSTF debilitates the act of PSA testing for men beyond 70 years old, because in most cases, the damages outweigh the benefits. Dr Samadi stresses that the recommendations the task force issues are only applicable to patients that have no signs or symptoms of the disease, or the individuals who haven’t been beforehand analyzed and treated of prostate cancer.