This announcement comes as the Omicron surge continues its decline. Beginning Monday, businesses won’t be required to request vaccination cards. Masks will also no longer be mandatory in public schools for children aged 5 and over.

Mayor Eric Adams stated that “We must get our economy back to track.”

This city was once thought to be the epicenter for the pandemic. However, it now boasts a positivity rate only 1.6% compared to a 7-day average.

Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey announced that he will lift the state’s public health emergency, which included a mandate for schools and daycare centers to wear masks.

Los Angeles officials have lifted Friday’s indoor mask requirement.

Although restrictions have been lifted, Dr. Dave Chokshi, New York City’s Health Commissioner, still advised caution. He said, “While the COVID-19 wave may be ebbing,” but he couldn’t declare that the pandemic was over.

Mamasita Bar & Grill’s West Side owner said that he will continue to ask for proof of vaccination.

Prakash Hundalani stated to CBS News that protection comes first no matter what.

Masks are not allowed in New York City, restaurants included.

The federal government requires that masks are worn on public transport, including trains, planes and trains, across the country.