With the emergence of smartphones, computers and other electronic devices emitting electromagnetic radiation, we have become dependent on them to help us cope with our daily tasks – to work, communicate and entertain ourselves, among others. But little did we know that these devices are harming our body and health. More and more people become sickly and are unable to fulfil their everyday tasks because of this. So how do we balance our energies for us to still be on top of our game while still relying on technology?

Take a technology detox

We wake up looking at our phones and fall asleep looking at our phones. Take a technology detox occasionally where you will not use your phone other than for making essential calls or emails. It will not only recharge you and get rid of all the adverse effects of using your smartphone too much. The electromagnetic radiation that cell phones and gadgets emit is enough to have a lasting impact on your health and well-being.

Use EMF protection

There are anti-EMF products you can use and wear to reduce if not altogether eliminate the effects of harmful radiation. You can purchase one online from sites such as www.lifeenergysolutions.com and see for yourself how you can recharge your energy by using one.

Unplug electrical appliances when not in use

Even when not in use, electrical devices still emit low amounts of radiation when plugged in. Make it a habit of unplugging anything that you are not using. Not only will you protect yourself from harmful radiation, but you will also save on electricity consumption.

Recognise the effects of electromagnetic radiation

Learn the effects of too much electromagnetic radiation in your system. It can cause harmful health effects. Once you experience any of these effects such as insomnia, vertigo and such, take a break and focus your energy on other productive things that do not involve any electronic gadget. You can ask a specialist on what medical intervention you can do to alleviate the effects of too much electromagnetic radiation in your body.

Take steps towards better well-being

You should channel your energy to things that matter most, such as taking time out of your busy schedule to spend it with family. Go on vacations, stay home and play and take care of your health. Probably the best thing that you can do to recharge your energy is to do things that do not involve the use of appliances and gadgets that emit electromagnetic radiation and you’ll be amazed at the positive effects doing so will provide you. You will sleep better, wake up energised and will get rid of other effects of lack of sleep.

These days, the electromagnetic field surrounding us is many, many times more than that of our predecessors’ generation, so we need protection from the harmful effects that electromagnetic radiation causes. With our well-being in top shape, we can do whatever we want: work, travel, study, spend quality time with family and friends – all without feeling like your gadgets are sucking all the energy out of your body.

Image: Pixabay.com