You can tell yourself that you suffer from jaw tension just by paying attention to certain signs, such as discomfort in the area or the perception of a greater volume when looking in the mirror. This is one of the most frequent jaw problems. The first thing to understand is that those responsible are the muscles. These are located on the sides and are in charge of controlling the movements that the mouth makes when opening or closing and exerting force, for example, chewing.

As a general rule, muscles function like those of any other part of the body, alternating phases between relaxation and tension, when they are put into operation. However, this is not the case in the case of people who present jaw tension. The result may have a greater or lesser impact on the individual’s daily life, both from an aesthetic and health point of view.

People with a tense jaw can sometimes experience a progressive increase in muscle mass in that area. This is known as hypertrophy of the masseters. The aesthetic consequences of this fact are mainly two. On the one hand, the jaw, being more developed, acquires a more prominent appearance, so it will stand out more within the face as a whole.

On the other hand, the increase in muscle mass caused by hypertrophy of the masseters will make said area on the sides of the face gain in volume. So the result will be a change in the contour and silhouette of the face, making it squarer.

The symptoms of jaw tension can manifest as pain in the area, which could also affect the ears or other parts of the face, including the neck. The discomfort could lead to an increase in sensitivity. While other frequent consequences have to do with difficulty chewing or opening the mouth. In certain cases it is even possible to perceive a clicking sound when it moves. And, among the most frequent symptoms of jaw tension, is a headache.

The causes of jaw tension are varied, so it is important to study each case individually. One of the main reasons has to do with bruxism, that is, the unconscious habit of clenching or grinding the teeth. However, being exposed to high doses of stress or performing neurotic oral habits, such as gum abuse, are other common situations.