Few things generate more expectation than a wedding between celebrities, especially if the wedding includes family controversies, high-profile absences and, in addition, famous godparents. And the wedding of Isa Pi and Asraf Beno has not been the exception to this unwritten rule of the tabloid press.

However, Jorge Javier Vázquez, who in this case was in charge of leading the bride to the altar, did not last long at the Al-Baraka Hacienda where this long-awaited wedding took place: a few hours after the bride and groom sealed his love, the communicator left the wedding.

The Catalan presenter was destined to be much more than a simple guest at Isa Pi and Asraf’s wedding. After loudly announcing that he would take on that role, he promised to give Isa Pi the emotional support he said she lacked due to the absence of Isabel Pantoja, the bride’s mother. Weeks ago, the presenter from Badalona was blunt: “I’m fed up with the rejections this girl has suffered, she’s not going to suffer any rejection with me.”

He even offered himself as a “wild card” to step aside if the tonadillera, who maintains a very tense relationship with him, decided to appear at the last minute, emphasizing that his only objective was the well-being of Isa Pi.

However, the communicator was not at the wedding for too long, although there is still no confirmed reason for his short presence. What is clear is that, after the ceremony, Jorge Javier was seen at the Seville airport by photographers Diego Arrabal and Miguel Temprano. When asked about his early departure, the presenter ironically responded that he had only gone “for the money.”

This statement has led the paparazzi to call him an editor. According to the information they have, Jorge Javier came to the wedding only to take exclusive photos that would be used in a magazine: “They told us that he only came for the magazine that pays him, to take exclusive photos and nothing more. And “It was true. Here it is.”