Aitana can boast of being one of the best-known public figures on the national scene. Since he rose to fame in Operación Triunfo 2017, his musical career has been consolidated based on successes. And if that were not enough, he has also wanted to dare the world of acting.

This same Friday, April 12, the film in which he stars alongside actor Fernando Guallar: Pared con pared, was released on Netflix. This marks the singer’s first film, but not the actor’s, who has had the pleasure of working on several projects for the big and small screen.

He was born in Córdoba on March 7, 1989, and since then he has been clear about what he wanted to do. So much so, that she has taken several acting courses in cities like Madrid or New York. But it is not the only thing that unites him with Aitana. And in the long list of her formations there is also singing.

With this resume, it did not take long for him to gain a foothold in the national interpretive scene. Aída was the series he started with, although he only had a small role as an extra. After this, other cameos arrived in other well-known fictions such as Without identity, The one that is coming or Carlos, king emperor.

But his career took a considerable turn when he managed to find a place in the series Amar es para siempre, playing Gonzalo Inchausti Saiz. There he was part of the main cast, doing 228 episodes. Although he ended up consolidating himself in Velvet Collection, Movistar’s fiction.

Currently, apart from the film in which he stars alongside Aitana, he is part of the main characters of Reina Roja, released on Prime Video last February, where he plays Tomás.

And if there is something he has, it is that he is very demanding with his work. “I don’t usually see myself afterwards in my work,” she said in an interview given on Telemadrid. For this reason, it is not known whether or not he will dare to see Wall with Wall, a project that, by the way, was not the first that he has made on the streaming platform.

Even so, it is not surprising that his film with Aitana has been one of the ones that has generated the most controversy in his entire career. There have been many who have wanted to show their dissatisfaction with this film on social networks, even before it saw the light of day. Although this is not going to dampen the happiness that the actor and the singer feel for this fiction.