Maintaining hydrated, juicy skin free of signs of aging is possibly the desire of many people. Not in vain, after the age of 30, collagen formation decreases and the first wrinkles begin to appear. To delay it as much as possible, establishing a care routine should be an essential practice and thus guarantee healthy skin. In this sense, when we perform our facial treatment, certain doubts may arise about the active ingredients that will best adapt to our skin. Which ingredient will help us prevent wrinkles or which is essential to retain hydration. This is where ceramides play a key role.

Ceramides are lipids that we have naturally in our skin and that help keep it healthy. They play an essential role in the skin barrier, they are capable of protecting moisture loss as well as keeping the skin juicy and hydrated. From the specialized media Elsevier they go further and affirm that “ceramides intervene in the stability and functional capacity of the permeability barrier” but what really are their benefits?

In addition to being essential in the function of the protective barrier, ceramides also play an essential role in hydrating the skin.