Wanda Nara, one of Argentina’s best-known personalities, has cleared up uncertainties about her health by revealing that she suffers from leukemia. She broke the news on her Instagram profile after a follower of hers had asked her directly.

“I have leukemia. At first I told him ‘that thing I have.’ story that has caused a great stir in his country.

Leukemia is an oncological disease that affects the blood and bone marrow, characterized by excessive production of leukocytes, which can lead to compromised immunity and other serious problems. Medical advances have allowed survival rates and treatment effectiveness to improve significantly over time.

Wanda’s treatment will continue at Fundaleu, a specialized hematology center in Buenos Aires, where she has chosen to receive medical care. This is the center where she was caught entering for treatment weeks ago.

In recent months, Wanda Nara has been in the eye of the media storm due to speculation about her health. In mid-July, the presenter was in an unbeatable moment at work at Masterchef and receiving recognition such as the Martín Fierro Award. But, her situation changed drastically when she had to cancel a planned trip to Europe due to a health problem detected in a routine test.

The speculations did not wait. Without a clear explanation about the nature of his illness, rumors and different versions flooded the Argentine media. Although she was told about an oncological disease, Wanda preferred to keep the specific name of her disease a secret. However, in an interview with Telefé, she did admit that the news she had been given was “a shock for the entire family.”

As for her children’s reaction to the news, as she said in the interview, they were initially confused, but after an honest explanation, they understood the situation and accompany her in this difficult process.