US-Russia relations make the front page of these mags

Eustace Tilley, the face of The New Yorker, gets the Vladimir Putin treatment with President Trump as a butterfly on the weekly mag’s latest cover.

Inside, Editor David Remnick and others write about Russia’s use of “active measures,” or propaganda campaigns, to influence events — such as US elections.

Although active measures were used both by the US and Russia during the Cold War, interest in the topic has been reignited amid allegations that Russia hacked Democratic groups in order to release information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton.

“Free societies are often split because people have their own views .?.?. the goal is to deepen the splits,” former KGB general Oleg Kalugin told Remnick and crew.

In the current double issue of Time, Massimo Calabresi and Simon Shuster use recent unrest in Montenegro to explore the future of US-Russia relations.

The Balkan nation was subjected to a foiled coup attempt in October in which plotters, with alleged ties to the Kremlin, were said to be planning to assassinate the prime minister and install an anti-NATO government.

With Trump’s relationship and plans with Russia not yet certain, US allies are looking “warily” for clarity on how the Trump administration will engage with Russia.

Meanwhile, back on US soil, Karl Vick notes that the country is suffering from a so-called emotional divide. “The country is not the only thing that’s split. So is its mental health,” Vick writes.

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