The Daniel Sancho case continues to grab headlines in the international press. After several weeks incarcerated in the Koh Samui prison, the son of Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo will have his first vis a vis where he will be able to reunite with his family.

To date, the meetings between Silvia and her son have always been separated by a partition, in addition to lasting a maximum of 15 minutes and taking place over the phone. In just one month this could change, since on September 30 a face-to-face between Daniel and his parents would take place. Below, we point out all the details of this expected meeting.

To enjoy a vis a vis with his closest relatives, Daniel Sancho will have to previously request it online, as Two Yupa has revealed on the set of Espejo Público: “For three years prisoners have not been able to receive visits by COVID. Now that the situation is changing, they are going to give them a gift. The prison has decided that inmates who have good behavior will be able to have a gift… Daniel Sancho has to make an appointment online so that up to five people can visit him around him that day.”

Likewise, the family will be able to select the vis a vis shift: it could be from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. or from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon: “The strongest thing is that you can also request the food online a day before. They are allowed to eat together and there are no partitions. A face-to-face with the rest of the prisoners, without watching what they say or what they say. In addition, you can bring gifts, yes, supervised, “confirms the thai.

Regarding the rules of the Thai prison, the three will have to wear a mask at all times, in addition to providing a negative COVID test that must be carried out 24 hours before the vis a vis.

The maximum time for the visit will be two hours, after which the prison workers will have to ensure that Silvia Bronchalo and Rodolfo Sancho leave the facilities. However, they will not know if the meeting can take place until a week before September 30.